About Me

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The horrible manifestation of a diseased mind, symptomatic of years of overexposure to strategy games, comics (YOU MEAN GRAPHIC NOVELS), and internet joviality. Symptoms occur irregularly and are treatable with sunshine and fresh air.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's the Big Idea, anyway

So, I was considering beginning with a proper content post, rather than this bullshit meta* stuff, but it felt forced, like I was walking down a deserted street and began loudly talking to myself. So I figured I brief introduction was in order. I'm Ned, a senior graduate student at an east coast university on a particle physics project, but for purposes of this blog, that's mostly irrelevant. What IS relevant is that I'm loud, opinionated, and full of self-loathing. Therefore, I've decided to write about things, partially to ensure that my writerly self doesn't completely atrophy from years of slave** labor*** in the code mines of Academia VI,  partially because I like crafting arguments that make sense, and writing is the easiest way I've found to do so****, and partially because I want to be nerd funny on the internet*****.

The blag will primarily focus on games, both board and computational, because that's a huge chunk of my free time, with occasion deviations into politics, culture******, academia, and other things that I enjoy talking about and/or am annoyed with. Basically, you get a free copy of me. Shouting. CONSTANTLY.  INTO THE INTERNET.

The update schedule is roughly bi-weekly (as in once every two weeks), but with a high variance. I'll leave the exact calculation of this value as an exercise for the reader*******.

*Now it's double meta (all the way)
**read: paid, voluntary
***read: slacking and general laziness
****and the medium allows for FOOTNOTES, my favorite thing!
*****A rich and unexplored niche, for sure
******read: I like movies and read Harpers
*******PROTIP: FFT that shit.

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