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The horrible manifestation of a diseased mind, symptomatic of years of overexposure to strategy games, comics (YOU MEAN GRAPHIC NOVELS), and internet joviality. Symptoms occur irregularly and are treatable with sunshine and fresh air.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Staking, Adventure Games, and Puzzle Design

Most people are familiar with the "Golden Age" of adventure gaming, stretching from text-based games like Zork or The Hichhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to the Lucasarts and Sierra era of point and click adventures. There are many that bemoan the loss of that, "more civilized and enlightened" era when games required intelligence and dilligence, as opposed to our modern age of iron, where people are too busy shootin' doodz in Halo: The Duty of Modern Warfare . I played a number of these classics, as well as being at the receiving end of so-called "puzzle dungeons" like The Tomb of Horrors, and I, for one, am happy that we're done with that shit. Unfortunately, like some sort of hideous necromancer, the zeitgeist  has decided to resurrect the rotten corpse of the Adventure Game. How well have these undead minions performed? Why do I dislike puzzle-based gameplay? See below the fold: